Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti | 2020 Native Launchpad Artist


Tribal Affiliation: Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian)

Artistic Discipline: Music

Honolulu, HI

Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti is a Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) musician dedicated to the music of our time. A "leading composer-performer" (The New York Times), her compositions often deal with unique instrument-objects, such as her The Noguchi Museum commissions involving sound sculptures or the Akari Light Sculpture installation. Lanzilotti has been featured internationally on the Dots+Loops series and Sound School series in Australia and a guest composer at Thailand International Composers Festival. She is currently writing a new work for the [Switch~ Ensemble], the development and performance of which is supported by a project grant from the MAP Fund. As a recording artist, Lanzilotti has played on albums from Björk's Vulnicura Live and Joan Osborne's Love and Hate, to Dai Fujikura's Chance Monsoon and David Lang’s anatomy theater. Lanzilotti’s upcoming solo performance projects include Wayfinder—a new viola concerto by Dai Fujikura inspired by Polynesian wayfinding, and The 20/19 Project (new works by Anna Thorvaldsdottir, Andrew Norman, and Scott Wollschleger). in manus tuas—Lanzilotti’s solo viola album debut—was featured in Steve Smith’s Log Journal Playlist (Live life out Loud), Bandcamp’s Best Contemporary Classical Albums of 2019, and The Boston Globe’s Top 10 classical albums of 2019, and was called “an entrancing new album” by The New Yorker’s Alex Ross.

To reach new audiences and share contemporary music, Lanzilotti has published articles in Music & Literature and Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, and written program notes for the London Symphony Orchestra. Lanzilotti's dissertation is an analysis of Andrew Norman’s The Companion Guide to Rome showing the influence of architecture and visual art on the work. As an extension of the research, she created Shaken Not Stuttered, a free online resource demonstrating extended techniques for strings. As a teaching artist, Lanzilotti has been on the faculty at New York University, University of Northern Colorado, Casalmaggiore International Music Festival, and Point CounterPoint Music Festival. Lanzilotti is a co-founder and Artistic Consultant

for Kalikolehua — El Sistema Hawai‘i, a free orchestra program for underserved youth. She is the curator of music at The Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Dr. Lanzilotti studied at Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Yale School of Music, and Manhattan School of Music. In addition, Lanzilotti was an orchestral fellow in the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin and the New World Symphony. She participated in the Lucerne Festival Academy under Pierre Boulez, and was the original violist in the Lucerne Festival Alumni Ensemble. Her mentors include Hiroko Primrose, Peter Slowik, Jesse Levine, Martin Bresnick, Wilfried Strehle, Karen Ritscher, and Reiko Füting.