Applications Open: Native Launchpad Award

Application Deadline: March 27, 2020, 5:00 pm Pacific 

Photo credit: 2018 Native Launchpad Artist Allison Akootchook Warden, Courtesy of Ambiance Photography

Western Arts Alliance (WAA) is pleased to announce that applications are open for the third round of Native Launchpad, a fellowship award of its Advancing Indigenous Performance (AIP) program. Native Launchpad aims to highlight Indigenous voices, and directly support artists to achieve their career goals via direct financial assistance, as well as providing them career development tools. Selected Fellows receive a $17,000 cash reward, as well as membership to WAA and the Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP), travel support, and mentoring. The total estimated value of each award is 40k, over three years.

For the 2020 round, AIP will make five Native Launched Artist awards. AIP will also feature the artists in a showcase at WAA’s Annual Conference taking place in San Diego, CA, with a pre-conference in Tijuana, Mexico (August 29 - September 3, 2020). The artists will also travel to New York to attend the Association of Performing Arts Professionals conference in New York in January 2021.

2020 Native Launchpad award cycle:

  • Call for Submissions: Applications open – February 3, 2020; Application deadline – Friday, March 27, 2020, 5:00 pm PST

  • Notification: May 1, 2020

  • Western Arts Alliance Conference (location changes every year): August 29- September 3 2020

  • Association of Performing Arts Professionals Conference (New York City): January 8-12, 2021

  • Questions? Read our Native Launchpad FAQs

Applications will require:

  • At least one video work sample (preferably of live, staged work)

  • An artist’s statement

  • A statement of Native identity

  • A statement of touring goals and objectives

  • A letter of recommendation from an individual or organization that has presented or produced your work in the last three years

  • A standard application form


Call for Proposals: Deadline Extended March 20, 2020


The How and Why of WAA Conference City Selection