What is the Juried Showcase?  

WAA’s Juried Showcase program is a core element of the WAA Annual Conference. The Juried Showcase will include arts practitioners from a broad range of disciplines, aesthetics, and identities will select multiple artists/ensembles for all three nights of Juried Showcases in Los Angeles. 

What’s the application timeline?  

Applications open on February 5, 2025 and close on March 14, 2025 at 5pm PT. We expect to notify no later than May 31. 


How do I apply to take part in the Juried Showcase?  

Apply through our application portal, Submittable, by March 14 at 5pm PT. 


Please note that WAA expects the showcase jury will review approximately 150 applications. Please give careful consideration to your artistic samples — first impressions are critical! The jury will not consider promotional videos, TV news features, etc., as part of the artistic assessment


What are the Juried Showcase dates?  

Juried Showcases will take place at multiple venues in the evenings of September 2, 3, and 4. 


Who is eligible to apply for a Juried Showcase?  

Performing artists/performances from all disciplines suitable for touring (theatre, dance, music, multidisciplinary) are eligible to apply. 


Applicants must produce evidence of demonstrated success or capacity to tour in the last three years. 


Do I have to be US-based to apply? 

No – both US and international applicants are eligible to apply to the Official Showcase.  


What are the different showcase types and how long are showcase performances? 

WAA will offer three different types of showcases as part of the juried program this year.  

  • Industry Premiere (up to 45-minutes): An industry premiere is a showcase that exclusively features new work. It is distinct from touring or stage premieres, as it showcases unpublished or unreleased material for an audience of professionals only. For musicians, this would include new compositions or performances supporting a new body of work (such as a new record or album) that has not yet been toured. 

  • Mixed Program (up to 30-minutes): A Mixed Program showcase would feature a variety of works, including new works, works in development, and existing pieces from the acts’ repertoire that have previously been showcased at industry events or toured. 

  • Repertoire (up to 15-minutes): A Repertoire showcase would feature existing and toured works from an artist’s catalog. This is the standard showcase at industry events. It provides exposure to those who may not be familiar with an artist’s work, including works currently on tour or that have been performed in the past. 


What’s the application fee? 

There is a non-refundable application fee of $95. 


What other fees should I expect to pay if selected?  

Showcase fees will be adjusted based on the type of showcase you are selected for. If you’re selected, WAA will apply your application fee towards the showcase fee.  

  • Industry Premiere: $1,000 

  • Mixed Program of new and existing repertoire works: $1,500 

  • Existing Repertoire: $1,500 


Why is there a showcase fee? 

The showcase fee helps to defray the costs of venue rentals, staff, tech rehearsal, basic technical equipment, rhythm section backline, piano (if applicable), and stage labor. Special equipment or backline will be available at an additional rental cost. WAA will outline details in materials sent to the selected artists/ensembles.  

The showcase fee also includes two complimentary Artist Passes to attend the conference. These two complimentary passes are for performers within the selected acts and are not registration waivers for agents, managers, or other administrative staff associated with selected acts. 

Artists/ensembles are responsible for their own travel, lodging, and associated costs. 

What’s the selection criteria?  

  • Artistic excellence — the quality of the artists, ensemble or organization, and work. 

  • Artistic merit — the potential impact on the artistic and cultural heritage of the West or of the field. 

  • Demonstrated ability to tour — evidenced by the touring itinerary, tech rider, and press kit. 


Do I need to be a member of WAA to apply? 

WAA membership is not a requirement to apply for the showcase. However, if selected, the artist(s) or their agent/manager must join WAA or be a current WAA member and register for the WAA conference by June 27, 2025. 


Where will the showcase be held?  

The 2025 WAA Conference Juried Showcase will be held at multiple venues in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. 

  • More venues TBD 

What are the venue specs? 

The Novo at L.A. Live 

  • Stage Dimensions: 38' wide x 27' deep (to the upstage backdrop) x 48" high; with wings on both sides. 

  • Stage Floor: Black steeldeck, painted plywood, with Marley overlay.  

  • Sound: The house system is a JBL Vertec line array system consisting of (2) flown arrays, (4) under stage subs, (6) subs ground stacked underneath line array, (4) front fill speakers, and (6) delay speakers on the main level. 

  • Consoles: Both front of house and monitor consoles are Soundcraft Vi6 (software upgraded to Vi600’s) 

  • Lighting: Our venue is equipped with a comprehensive lighting package, including moving lights, LED washes, beam effects, and followspots, designed to meet the needs of a wide range of events. 

  • Power: USR: (2) 400A services- (1) open and available for guest lighting 

  • 200A service (house motors are on this service) 

  • USL: (1) 100A guest service isolated for audio 

  • DSL: (1) 100A service isolated for audio (house audio) 

  • All power services are cam lock connections. 

  • The Novo has (4) large dressing rooms, each with their own private ADA accessible bathroom and shower. Each room can comfortably hold 6-8 people.

Bovard Auditorium (USC Campus)

  • Stage Dimensions: 38' wide at the proscenium x 39' deep x 33" high the plaster line falls roughly halfway through the total depth of the stage, and the apron is nearly as large as the main stage area. 

  • Stage Floor: Black painted masonite over wood framing, with Marley overlay. 

  • Sound: 3 stacks of line array speakers: 3 each side & 15 at center; 2 subs each side 

  • Additional front fills for Orchestra, ADA sections, 1st balcony, 2nd balcony 

  • DiGiCo - SD-12 Console 

  • D2 Rack with additional 48 channels 

  • Lighting: Multi-colored stage washes available. Limited specials or area lighting utilizing overhead moving lights are possible 

Grand Performances 

  • Stage Dimensions: 32 ft. Wide x 30 ft. Deep of Usable Space. (Open Air Venue) 

  • Stage Floor: Slate floor, steeldeck available (TBD) 

  • Sound: (2) stacks of dBTechnologies VIO line array speakers, (4) dual 18" dBTechnologies subwoofer speakers per side, Digico and Allen & Heath consoles available 

  • Lighting: New LED Lighting install with moving head fixtures and washes. 

  • Full backline available by request. 

  • Note: Grand Performances is an outdoor venue, we do not recommend artists/ensembles where video projection is a focal point of the performance to preference this site as their venue of choice. 

How long can my showcase performance be?  

Showcases will be up to 45 minutes as determined by the jury. There will be a short turnover between each performance for equipment, sets, and props to be set up/struck. 

How long will I have for tech/soundcheck?    

There will be ~30 minutes per artist/ensemble for tech/soundcheck.  

What technical support will there be?  

Tech rehearsal, basic technical equipment, rhythm section backline, piano (if applicable), and stage labor are all included in the showcase fee. Special equipment or backline will be available at an additional rental cost. WAA will outline details in materials sent to the selected artists/ensembles.  

The WAA showcase team will do their best to meet your production needs, but we may not be able to accommodate all requirements of your regular tech rider. 

Please remember that this is a showcase, not a complete performance. The WAA showcase team will do their best to meet your production needs, but we may not be able to accommodate all requirements of your regular tech rider. Due to time constraints, equipment, sets, and props must be set up and struck within a to be determined time. 

Do you have any tips to help me strengthen my application?  

Less is more. The jury likes to see a variety of work from each artist with a live performance video. However, you are best served by capturing a range of your best work in a single video. The jury will spend about three minutes listening to or watching your sample(s); this is the minimum amount of time we request of the jury to spend with the materials in the initial application review. 

This is not a recommendation for your work samples to be a maximum of three minutes.  

We recommend you include a longer and shorter sample of your work, open to your interpretation, as that differs between genre, discipline, and style. 

If you run into any issues or have any questions about the application or process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to WAA staff for assistance. While we will not give you direct feedback on the content of your materials, we are more than happy to provide clarity on form and general resources to assist in constructing your application. 

As a reminder: WAA staff does not adjudicate applications, a carefully considered peer jury of arts practitioners does. 


What is an Independent Showcase? 

An Independent Showcase is a showcase that occurs during the WAA Conference but is not a part of the Juried Showcase program. In previous years, showcases occurred onsite in the conference hotel and at various venues in the host city. This year we will not be offering space inside the conference hotel for showcasing.  

When is Independent Showcasing allowed this year?  

Independent Showcasing formally connected to the WAA conference is allowed during the following windows, covering a total of 40 possible hours for Independent Showcasing this year:  

  • Tuesday, September 2 | 10:00am - Midnight 

  • Wednesday, September 3 | 6pm - Midnight 

  • Thursday, September 4 | 6pm - Midnight 

  • Friday, September 5 | 10:00am - Midnight 


How long are showcase performances?  

The duration of the showcase is determined by the producer. However, presenters generally anticipate a 15-minute showcase. This year, we encourage you to deviate from the standard format. Feel free to propose longer showcases or unconventional formats. 


Do I have to be a WAA member to showcase independently? 

If you’d like to purchase a showcase listing to be included in official conference materials and publicize your showcase to conference attendees, you must be a WAA member or represented by a WAA member registered for the conference. 


Where can I showcase, who should I reach out to? 
There are independent showcase producers who regularly run showcases at WAA. This year we will not have onsite showcasing, so we will publish contact information for producers in the conference/showcase section of our website as they reach out to us.  

Please reach out to them directly for information on availability, pricing, and more information about what will be offered in each room. Generally, showcase slots are sold first-come-first-served.


Who can produce an Independent Showcase? 

Anyone can produce a showcase! An artist, an agency, but most typically a creative producer will organize and coordinate independent showcase opportunities. Previously, there has been no membership requirement for producers organizing Independent Showcases onsite at the conference hotel as they operated within boundaries set by the WAA staff and board. This year we will require producers to be WAA members or working directly in concert with a WAA member, the following would all qualify:  

  • An agency showcase by a WAA member produced by an outside contractor. 

  • An independent creative producer WAA member offering the service to other members. 

  • A consortium of self-represented WAA member artists collaborating to produce a showcase. 

A showcase produced by non-members made up of non-member artists and organizations would not qualify to be listed on the WAA website or to purchase listings to be included in official conference materials. We would consider these actions with the same severity as “suitcasing”. 


I want to produce an Independent Showcase this year, what do I need to know? 

This year we will not be setting any space aside for showcasing inside the conference hotel. We recommend you find venues around Los Angeles (there’s many!) and invite presenters out. We’ve compiled a list of potential venues here for you as well. 


How much does a showcase slot cost?  

This varies widely depending on what is being provided. Some producer’s showcases are fully produced and include access to full backline, a professional sound engineer, theatrical lighting, and a run crew. Others are more modest offering the most basic stage lighting and sound reinforcement. Still others simply offer a stage. In the past, the fee has ranged from $400-$1,500 for a 15-minutes slot. We encourage you to reach out to showcase producers to compare pricing, availability, and information on what will be offered. 


What should I know before deciding to Showcase at WAA? 

Before deciding to showcase independently, we encourage artists to please consider the significant investment showcasing requires, both in terms of dollars and time. In addition to membership and conference registration fees, there are also costs associated with promoting a showcase. Marketing, advertising, and purchasing a showcase listing all cost money beyond the cost of the showcase itself. And of course, promoting showcases takes time and effort. 


Artists should feel secure in the quality and merit of their work before deciding to showcase. It is also beneficial if presenters are already familiar with the artist and have expressed interest in seeing their work live. 


Can I create my own signs and promotional materials to display at the conference?  

The only acceptable place to display signage or promotional materials is in an exhibit space. Therefore, artists should not manufacture or bring showcase signage/banners/posters if they (or their agent) will not have an exhibit space in which to place it. WAA has strict rules against promotional materials being displayed in conference meeting space and in common areas of the hotel, and when discovered by conference or hotel staff, these materials are scooped up and disposed of. Outside of having an exhibit space, the appropriate way to get word out about your showcase is by sending targeted email invitations, purchasing a Showcase Listing, and handing out information directly to someone who has requested it or expressed interest. 


Any suggestions for increased exposure at the conference?  

If your budget allows you to sponsor at the conference, this is a great way to lift your profile and build name recognition among WAA attendees. Explore our sponsorship page on the website for more information. Depending on the year, WAA also offers various advertising opportunities which can also be found on our website.