Important Update: Tijuana, MX Pre-Conference Program

All of us at WAA hope that you are safe and healthy, and weathering these difficult times. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been carefully monitoring the COVID-19 situation to ensure the wellbeing of our staff, board, partners, and you, our WAA community.

After much careful consideration, we regretfully announce that WAA is cancelling the Pre-Conference in Tijuana, MX, at CECUT scheduled from August 29-30, 2020. We want to thank our partners at CECUT for their dedication to what would have been an excellent and unique opportunity to strengthen the cultural relations and exchange between Mexico and the United States.

We are still planning on holding the 2020 Conference in San Diego, CA, scheduled for August 31 – September 3. However, we reasoned that the Tijuana program's focus on issues of identity, mobility, and borders, was not a paramount concern amid the pandemic. Plus, given the financial stress we are all experiencing, the added costs of the event would have been a barrier and a hardship.

We want to thank CECUT for their partnership and commitment, as well as the Secretaria de Cultura of Mexico. Despite not moving forward now, we are proud of the vision the program represented and look forward to a time when we can rekindle the plans and ideas we've built over the past three years.

Image courtesy of Descubre Tijuana


Important Update: Conference Registration Postponed


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