WAA Roundup: Novel Coronavirus & the Performing Arts

Updated March 17, 2020

The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) poses unique challenges to our performing arts communities, and WAA is working to evolve how we support you in the face of the virus’ uncertain impact. We’ve started to collect articles and resources to share, and we will continue to update this post as we learn more. Please consider taking a short survey, which we hope will help us to better understand how the virus is affecting the WAA community. 

In addition to what we’ve shared, we encourage members to connect with their local and state health departments as they’ll provide the most current location-based information, and subscribe to the CDC newsletter.

Have an article that you found particularly useful that we didn’t highlight or a strategy you’re employing at your own organization that you would like to share with the WAA community? Please reach out to staff@westarts.org.

Howlround: Livestreaming Panel, Artists in a Time of Global Pandemic  | March 16, 2020 5 pm PST

For US-Based Freelance Artists and Cultural Workers in all Disciplines. 

We Art Stronger Together: Navigating the Coronavirus Webinar | March 18, 12 pm PST (RSVP Now!) 

A sector-wide town hall meeting specific to COVID-19 organized in collaboration with Arts Midwest, Arts Northwest, Arts Ready, Association for Performing Arts Professionals, Folk Alliance International, North American Performing Arts Managers and Agents, North Carolina Presenters Network, International Performing Arts for Youth, South Arts, and Western Arts Alliance. 


Important Update: Tijuana, MX Pre-Conference Program


Webinar: Navigating Crisis in the Era of Coronavirus