Meeting the Moment. Together. 

The Arts Midwest and Western Arts Alliance 2020 Joint Conference
Optional Pre-Conference Programs: October 1 & 2 
Main Conference: October 6-9, 2020 

Join us for four days of connection, listening, learning, and sharing at a unique virtual event combining the best of the Arts Midwest and Western Arts Alliance performing arts conferences.  

Essential Collaboration

Arts Midwest and Western Arts Alliance are joining our teams, resources, imaginations, and conferences to help gather, heal, and advance our field with an innovative digital event. Now is the time for all of us to think collectively, deeply, and broadly about who we serve and how. Let’s work together to make the performing arts more inclusive, responsive, and sustainable.

Meeting the Moment 

The joint 2020 conference will include virtual experiences of our core programs: exhibits, showcasing, workshops, peer exchange, pitch sessions, and networking. But we’ll also be leaning into the hard stuff.  Conference themes will explore equity, systemic change and navigating the pandemic. Tight budget? Given the financial challenges, we’ll offer discounted and flexible pricing.  

Arts Midwest and Western Arts Alliance will be releasing more details about the joint conference and how to register in the coming weeks. For now, please save the dates and plan to join us for an inspiring look forward.  

These are difficult times, but we can do this. Together.  

- From the staff at Arts Midwest & Western Arts Alliance


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