Volunteer on a Committee!

WAA 2023; Jo Cosme Photography

WAA 2023; Jo Cosme Photography

Do you remember that exciting time when you first experienced the deep love of reading financial statements? You could relive those fond memories every other month if you volunteered on WAA’s Finance Committee! 

Volunteering on a committee is one of the most rewarding experiences at WAA. Not only can you contribute your time and expertise to a worthy cause, but you make new connects and forge lasting friendships with folks with colleagues across the Western United States and beyond. 

You don’t have to be an expert to make an impact. Many of our volunteers participate on committees to learn about a topic or deepen their experience in an area of interest to them. What unites all volunteers is their passion for improving the field and the belief that they can make a difference. 

Committees do important work and directly relate to the success of WAA. Volunteers reach out to new members and help them feel welcome as well as select artists for the WAA Juried Showcase and more. Nearly everything you see and love at WAA has been touched by a committee and we need your help to keep WAA the worldclass membership organization it is today! 

There are 12 committees that need volunteers. If you’d like to serve this year (September 2024 – June 2025), login to your online WAA Membership Account and tell us about your expertise and interests. You can see a list of the committees that need volunteers below including the time commitment we need from members. 

The deadline to submit your interest is: July 24, 11:59 pm PT



AFFINITY GROUP STEERING COMMITTEES: Advancing Indigenous Performance AIP, Black Arts @ WAA, Conexiones, Hyphen+Asian, and QWAA. 

What you’ll do: Lead one of WAA’s five affinity groups including planning and implementing group communications, networking opportunities, and program activities. We are seeking dedicated volunteers to contribute to planning a robust Black Arts Track during the 2025 Conference in Los Angeles. 

Service: 2 years 

Time: Up to 10 hours per month 

Meetings: Ad hoc / Yearly 


What you’ll do: Oversee the program design of the WAA Annual Conference and ensure that conference goals and strategies are met. The committee is responsible for ensuring WAA’s success as a marketplace. 

Service: 2 years 

Time: 90-minutes quarterly 

Meetings: Quarterly / Winter to Spring


What you’ll do: Plan and implement WAA’s equity strategies. This task force is comprised of the chairs of each of WAA’s affinity groups.  

Service: 2 years 

Time: 3-hours quarterly 

Meetings: Quarterly / Year round 


What you’ll do: Review financials statements and investment portfolio, develop the FYE 2026 budget framework, oversee the annual audit, and help launch WAA’s first fundraising campaign! 

Service: 2 years 

Time: 2-hours per month 

Meetings: Bimonthly / Sep – June 



What you’ll do: Recruit, interview, and recommend quality candidates to serve on the WAA board. 

Service: 1 years 

Time: 10-hours per month 

Meetings: Monthly / March - June 



What you’ll do: Recruit and reach out to new members and help them feel welcome as well as select winners of the WAA awards. 

Service: 2 years 

Time: 3-hours per month 

Meetings: Monthly / Year round 



What you’ll do: Identify and choose the Los Angeles conference speakers and sessions and develop curriculum for a new Presenting 101 training. 

Service: 2 years 

Time: 3-hours per month 

Meetings: Monthly / Sept – June 



What you’ll do: Recruit and choose artists for WAA’s juried showcases in Los Angeles and online, select pitch session proposals, and help determine a long-term strategy for conference showcasing. 

Service: 1 years 

Time: 20-hours per month 

Meetings: Monthly / March - May 


Summer 2024 Member Meetups


WAA Survey & Strategic Planning